Thursday, December 11, 2008


It's really the 17th today.

Not really BUSY, just needing to be busy. Thank goodness I have several weeks to finish my Christmas cards, right?

Ok, Ok, Ok. I realize that it is only two weeks until Christmas. But good news...I finished all of them today, even have the stamps on each envelope.

Bless my heart, this is why I couldn't have a job any more. I started this SEVERAL days ago. I mailed my cards, and I have a cold. Soooo I don't really have much I can do, not that blogging isn't my first priority.

The problem isn't that I'm lazy, tho I am. It isn't that I'm busy because I'm not. It's just that often times when I'm in the middle of something, something shiny catches my eye and well, you know. Multiply that by the 5 things I start most days...

I'm going to hurry and post this before the shiny things come by...