Saturday, January 10, 2009


I've already apologized to the other person who reads this, so I guess I can continue posting but with less whining. Again, I blame Meredith for the last post.

Today I face the day with new hope...Ok, ok, ok, maybe not "new hope", but at least with a "maybe this will be a better day". Absolutely nothing hurts right now, YAY! And that's enough about that!

Yesterday the boys, Nick 5 and Jake 8, came over after school so their mom could get some planning done in her classroom. It USED to be that they wanted to come over to talk and play cards with us. Now, they barely get in the truck before they start talking about going to play with Tommy, Big Nick (We add Big because of our Nick. Tommy and Big Nick are both in Pen's class at school - 4th grade), Joseph, Jonathan, and Nathan. All of these little boys live within a block of our house.

After about an hour, most of the boys had to go in and do homework, so Jake and Nick came home and visited with Jimmy and me in the back yard. Nick wanted us to video Jake and him. We had a big time videoing them making animal noises. I tried to download it, but I guess it was too big.

It's now 1:54 am, and yesterday was my best day since the shot...YAY, again!

1 comment:

Meredith said...

Glad to hear about your back!! Next time try a shot of tequila or something more fun than cortisone...kidding!